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Why your topic could be moved to the dump!

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Why your topic could be moved to the dump! Empty Why your topic could be moved to the dump!

Post by Brandon Thu 01 Jan 2015, 6:29 pm

Hello members,
This topic will explain why a topic can be moved to the dump.
1.It is irrelevant to the section it was posted in.
2. It is a duplicate topic
3. A number of years have gone by since the last post
4. Your topic violates Broadcasting Duo Rules
5. A staff told you not to revive/post or create/post in the topic.
6. The topic is deemed by staff to be old and/or no longer needed (this is based on staff discretion, if you dis agree with the staff member's decision, please pm them and politely address it with that staff member).

-The Broadcasting Duo Team

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Join date : 2010-12-31
Age : 27
Location : United States


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