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Why does radio play out Music?

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Do you think the radio industry playing out music is annoying?

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Why does radio play out Music?

Post by bgradionetwork Thu 25 Dec 2014, 9:20 am

hello all,

I wanted to know why does the Radio like to play out music so much? I am not going to buy the album when it is stuck in my head if that is what they think. They should play the same tune every 10 minutes! It is annoying (in my opinion and UN-necessary anyone else think this?

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by tester12 Thu 25 Dec 2014, 9:36 am

I used to hate it when they did that, I do not listen to the radio if I can help it because of that!
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Thu 25 Dec 2014, 1:59 pm

I am so tired of them doing playing music out! I try not to listen to the radio if I can help it! Why do they insist upon doing this?

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Thu 25 Dec 2014, 2:05 pm

maybe, but people listen to radio signals all the time, so as long as there are listeners, there will be radio, the most annoying is the fact of some stations playing the same songs in a loop several times a day.
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Thu 25 Dec 2014, 2:17 pm

1mtvfan wrote: the most annoying is the fact of some stations playing the same songs in a loop several times a day.
That is exactly what this topic is about. I just want to understand why think this is a good tatic?

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by bgradionetwork Thu 25 Dec 2014, 3:31 pm

I have no idea, that is a great question Brandon, I wish I could catcher the owners of these stations, lock them in a closet, then make the listen to their station ALL day!
That would teach them!

Anyway I hope one day they stop doing this!
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Fri 26 Dec 2014, 4:47 pm

my guess would be because it makes them money
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Fri 26 Dec 2014, 6:14 pm

How does it make them money? The station has to pay royalties every time they play the song. If anything they lose money through this tactic!

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Fri 26 Dec 2014, 9:40 pm

maybe, but listeners tune in, and that's how a radio network makes money, because of the listenership
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Sat 27 Dec 2014, 7:52 am

No, that how they become popular, they make money through commercials that nobody wants to hear!

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Sat 27 Dec 2014, 5:01 pm

also true
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Sat 27 Dec 2014, 6:17 pm

I honestly do not know why companies waste money on creating playing commercials it is stupid. I always change the station when a commericial comes on!

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by bgradionetwork Sat 27 Dec 2014, 8:41 pm

Well I think they like to hope it works, when in reality it does not.

Anybody change the station when a commercial comes on?
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Sun 28 Dec 2014, 7:39 am

I DO! I do not wish to hear them stinking commercials? Anybody else change the station?

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Wed 31 Dec 2014, 1:40 am

as long a people are wanting to be entertained, there will be radio stations broadcasting, unfortunatnely
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Wed 31 Dec 2014, 7:20 am

Yes, but why do radio stations play out music? Why do companies waste millions each year radio commercials that are just pain, and most change the for. Each of those commercial just play costs something like 300 dollars!

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Wed 31 Dec 2014, 12:18 pm

one can always turn it off, just saying
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Wed 31 Dec 2014, 3:52 pm

Yes, but these companies pay like 300 Dollars per play to advertise on the radio/television and people usually just change the station.

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by tester12 Thu 01 Jan 2015, 8:16 am

Indeed they do... but they are in denial, however, their in denial is good for the radio industry though. Even if it is annoying! Does anyone else think so?
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by TigerTankFan Mon 12 Jan 2015, 3:35 pm

selling advertising space is how radio stations make most of their money, as many of them are privately owned. There is one exception to this here in Canada however, and that is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (which is government owned).

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by bgradionetwork Mon 12 Jan 2015, 3:52 pm

TigerTankFan wrote:selling advertising space is how radio stations make most of their money, as many of them are privately owned. There is one exception to this here in Canada however, and that is the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (which is government owned).

Is this Canada wide?
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by tester12 Tue 24 Mar 2015, 10:21 pm

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Wed 25 Mar 2015, 5:51 pm

yup, and Cantada's government is being turned against us by the Furhrer Adolf Harper
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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by Brandon Wed 25 Mar 2015, 5:54 pm

What on earth are you talking about? What does it have to do with radio stations playing music out?

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Why does radio play out Music? Empty Re: Why does radio play out Music?

Post by 1mtvfan Wed 25 Mar 2015, 7:54 pm

some enjoy the music on the radio
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