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Terms of use Empty Terms of use

Post by Brandon Sat 01 Jan 2011, 9:07 am

By posting and/or registering on Broadcasting Duo (BD) you  are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

Age Limit

You must be 13 years of age or older to join Broadcasting Duo.

Topic Titles

Your topic must have a decent title (example: 'I am having trouble logining in...' this will be tolerated), if a staff member believes your topic title does not represent your topic or else is not a decent title, then the staff member will ask you to change your topic title to something more appropriate or else better represents your topic. If you do not change the topic title within a reasonable amount of time (within 24-48 hours), then the staff member has the right to either change the title themselves to something they will feel is appropriate or represents your topic or lock the topic. An example of a topic title that will not be tolerated is "Help!!!!!!" or "Please Help Me!!!!")! The reason for this is only because our forum search engine works off certain keywords in your title so please USE APPROPRIATE TITLES.

Lying about ANYTHING

If you are found to be lying to a staff member about anything (Ex. Age, etc), a reminder will be issued by staff, if you are at the maximum number of reminders (3) then your warning bar will be dropped 1 bar and a warning issued.

Cursing/foul language

Cursing is not permitted here at Broadcasting Duo. We must keep the language used on the site appropriate for those of all ages to view. There are censors put in place here on Broadcasting Duo to prevent the use of curses and foul/inappropriate language on the site. If you are caught trying to get around the censor, you will be issued a reminder from staff and your post may edited (based on the staff member's discretion), if you have already received the maximum amount of reminders (3) then your warning will dropped 1 bar. We just want the experience here on Broadcasting Duo to be as fun and drama free as possible for all ages. In order to do this, we ask everyone to please use appropriate language.

Threatening - (SERIOUS OFFENSE)

Threatening anyone is not permitted, doing so will result in your warning bar being dropped 1 level (an official WARNING will be issued by staff NO EXCEPTIONS), continuing to do so will eventually result in you receiving temporary or permanent ban.


Spamming is not permitted on this forum. An example of spamming would be multi-posting (unless posts are separated by 24 hours) or posting multi-topics (unless you have permission from a staff member). Making posts with just Emoticons/Smileys will be considered spamming (there must be a message with it) and warrant a reminder. If you are a spambot (not human) you will be banned on the spot forever without any reminders/warnings

Avatars/Profile Pictures and Signatures

Animated avatars are permitted, the only rule is no inappropriate pictures, nudity, pornography, racial slurs/gestures, obscene language/content, or anything else deemed inappropriate by STAFF. If an avatar is deemed inappropriate by a staff member, you will be asked to take it down, if you refuse, an admin will remove the avatar from your profile and then issue a reminder. If you continue to use inappropriate avatars, you will lose the privilege to have an avatar and you also receive a reminder or warning (depending on how inappropriate the avatar is) for each offense.

You can have whatever you like as a signature, the only rules are please do not post big images in your signature as this creates alot of scrolling of for users with small screens and mobile devices. We also ask that you please do not post any links in your signature that advertise products or software. As this would be considered advertising and we have the Advertisement Listings section for that.  You are not allowed to advertise any website, radio station, job listings, etc via PM (Private Message) unless that specific user asked you to! 1st offense to this you will receive a written reminder and 2nd offense Private Messaging (pm) privileges will be disabled for you.

Talking in all caps & bold and color fields

Talking in all caps is not allowed as this could be considered yelling to some users. Bold and colored text is allowed, however, it should try to be kept to the minimum and we would appreciate it if very bright or dark colors could be avoided, only because it is really hard to see against the site design.

Singling other user's out

Singling other member's of Broadcasting duo or any other website out on the forum will not be tolerated! If you have a problem with a member of Broadcasting Duo please hit the report button there is no need to say anything to the user. If you feel like you can resolve via pm (private message) that user feel free. Broadcasting Duo (it's owner(s), staff, affiliates)  will not be held accountable for anything said,resulting from or done in those private messages. If you do not think you can resolve the issue with them personally then just put them on your foes (ignore) list (a tutorial on how to do this is coming soon) and wait for a staff member to resolve the situation. If you have a problem with a member of a another site please report it to the other site. Do NOT post it anywhere on this site.

Naked/nude pictures - (Serious OFFENSE)

Any nudity pictures or videos will not be tolerated. All videos or pictures with nudity will be deleted immediately. If you post any kind of nudity pictures or videos on this forum the post will be deleted and you will be given a serious warning by staff. This is a VERY serious offense and will result in your warning bar being dropped to the last bar and if you are caught doing it a second time you will permanently banned forever!

Posting in the right section!

Please post in the right sections, each part of the forum has it's own category for a reason. If you post in the wrong section the post will be moved. If there is not a place for what your trying say, then just make a suggestion for it by a making suggestion in the suggestion box.

Txt Talk/SMS Language

Text Talk (also known as SMS Language) should be kept to a minimum, as it can make the forum look trashy and unwelcome.

Racism - (Serious Offense)

Under NO circumstances is racism going to be tolerated! Everybody on this forum has just as much right as the next person to post. If any user is caught making fun of anybody's race on this forum, a staff member is to immediately take action and investigate the situation and warn the user who is being racist. All people are welcome here, so if you have a problem with someone's race, keep it to yourself or find a different forum, because racism is not welcome or tolerated here. If you see a staff member being racist PM Brandon (our founder) and he will immediately investigate the matter and take whatever action is necessary.

Pirated Software/Radio - (Serious OFFENSE)

We don't mind talk on whether pirated radio or software should be illegal or how much you dislike it or like it.  We will not, however, be tolerating talk of how to get pirated software, supplies, radio stations, or anything related to support of pirated/hacked software and radio (this includes posting links or files of pirated software/radio stations). It is against the law to do and we don't break laws on this forum.

Bumping/Reviving topics

You may bump a thread/topic as long as the posts are separated by 24 hours (unless staff have given you permission to bump it with less). The only exception to this rule are that you cannot bump in the advertisement section, you can post UPDATES to your advertisement topic and it will not count as bumping. If you are going to revive thread, please ask a staff member first, THE only exception is if the forum is slow/inactive/drought of inactivity: in those instances you revive any topic that can boost forum activity. During regular times (when we are not inactive) you can only revive topics on the 1st or possibly 2nd pages, unless you ask a staff to revive a certain topic, in which case you may always do so GRANTED that you include ANY instructions/warnings the staff asked you to include.

Chatbox/ Chatroom(s) Rules

The rules regarding the use of Broadcasting Duo's public chatbox and chatrooms are pretty much the same as the rules on the forum, respect others, no foul or offensive language, no nudity, no conversations on obtaining pirated/hacked software or radio stations, no spamming. The one site rule that does not apply to the chatbox is the text talk/sms rule and the colored text rule. You may use text talk/sms and colored text as much as you like in the chatbox.  Please remember that the use of the public chatbox and chatrooms on Broadcasting Duo is a privilege, if you abuse the privilege you will be banned from the chatbox and lose the privilege.

VIP Membership privileges and exceptions

If you are a VIP Member on Broadcasting Duo you have some exceptions to certain rules, remember that receiving these benefits and exceptions are a privilege not a right, if you have committed 2 or more infractions within a 2 month time period your VIP Membership status may suspended, dis continued, restricted or canceled by an Administrator at any time with or without a refund of any money you spent on it (if you did not win it in a contest/giveaway or had it donated by another member). The exceptions VIP Members have to the above rules are:

1. VIP Members are permitted to use bold and color text for up to 2 sentences.
2. You are allowed to advertise (in certain specified areas) outside of the Advertisement Lounge.

For more information on what benefits and exceptions you will have as a VIP Member, please see the topic: What are the Benefits?

For information on how you can become a VIP Member, please read the topic: How to become a VIP Member.

Multiple Accounts

Here at Broadcasting Duo, you are permitted as many accounts as you can remain active with. If you have inactive accounts, they may be deleted or deactivated at any time by an administrator with or without prior notice. We ask that you do not create new accounts just for changing a username, as this can be done quite easily by requesting a username change. If you create an account, but don't receive an activation email, please simply let an administrator know, so they can activate the account for you. There is no need to create another account if you don't receive the activation email. Even though, its not against the rules to own multiple accounts, it is strongly discouraged, it is recommended that you only have 1 account.

3rd Party Links

On Broadcasting Duo you may see and/or find links to 3rd party websites (Not run, owned or associated with Broadcasting Duo), these websites are not under the control of Broadcasting Duo, it's administrators or staff members, therefore we are not responsible or liable for any possible damage(s), content of the website, or anything else that may happen as result of visiting 3rd party websites. By clicking any 3rd party link on Broadcasting Duo (BD) you are doing so at your risk and are acknowledging that Broadcasting Duo and it's owner, administrators, staff and affiliates are not responsible/liable for whatever content that may be seen or found at the 3rd party link as well as for any possible damages to equipment that may result from visiting a 3rd party link.

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying of any sort is NOT tolerated here on Broadcasting Duo and any user found to be cyber bullying another user on this site will be issued a reminder or warning (depending on the type of bullying, the severity of the bullying and is also based on staff discretion) and any posts containing the cyber bullying may be removed, edited, or otherwise removed from the public eye without any notice to the posting user and if any staff member at Broadcasting Duo deems it necessary. If you feel any user is cyber bullying you or if notice a user cyber bullying any else, please notify a staff member immediately (either via pm or by use of the report system ) so that a staff member can take care of the situation. If you feel any member of staff is cyber bullying you or if you notice a member of staff cyber bullying another user, please report it immediately to our owner Brandon so he can investigate and take care of the problem. Things that can/are considered cyber bullying are (but not limited to):

-Name calling
-Saying anything to/about anybody that is degrading to the person it is being spoken about
-Posting pictures that are mean, de grading, vulgerish, de meaning, rude, racist, discriminatory, illegal  or anything else along these lines that can be considered cyber bullying
-Racist statements/comments
-Haterism/Hating/Hateful Statements
-Statements/comments that are discriminating against a person's gender/gender id, Sexual Preference, race, ethnicity or anything else demeaning
-De grading Statements or comments
-De meaning statements or comments
-Anything that could be considered cyber bullying (based on the law and staff discretion)

Anybody found to be cyber bullying another person/ user, whether they are a registered user of this site or not shall be issued a warning by a staff member and have their warning bar dropped by 1 or more bar(s) (depending on the severity and type of bullying as well as number of offenses, also based onsStaff discretion).

The Punishments (If you break these Terms)

The punishment you receive depends on the following: How many Warnings you have and how low your Warning bar is! All staff treat all cases fairly and equally.

What to do if you see someone breaking the Rules

You should immediately hit the report button if see a post or topic that is offensive (after all that's what it is there for).  Please DO NOT take matters into your own hands (this could lead to problems with your own account).

Please note that all our staff here are volunteers, they are not paid for what they do, they do the best they can to help/contribute to the forum in their personal free time. For that reason we ask that you be patient and respect every staff member's opinion and decisions, if you have a problem with a staff member please do not attempt to resolve it in the public forums, PM the staff member and RESPECTFULLY request to address the issue with him/her. If you still do not feel satisfied with the conclusion of you and the staff's conversation you can PM our owner Brandon with your concerns and he will look into it and take the appropriate action.

Thank You and follow the rules

We highly recommend checking this often, it is the sole responsibility of everyone on this forum to know the UPDATED TOU.

Notice: We have the right to update this with or without notice.

Also by agreeing to this TOU/posting or owning an account on Broadcasting Duo you are agreeing that Broadcasting Duo, it's owner, Administrators or ANY TYPE/FORM of Staff Member(s) or any affiliates/3rd parties are not responsible/liable for any/and all grievances that can result in a law suit/fines and hereby agree to waive your right to sue those listed above for anything involving this site or any use of the site.
Broadcasting Duo and it's staff will do everything in their power to abide by these terms/laws on both the international, federal and local level.

Last edited by tester12 on Mon 22 Oct 2018, 10:23 pm; edited 74 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated Rules)

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Terms of use Empty Re: Terms of use

Post by Brandon Wed 17 Dec 2014, 7:28 pm

Broadcasting Duo Terms Of Use Update log!

1.TOU updated 12/17/14 by ~ Brandon
2.TOU updated 12/18/14 by ~ Brandon
3.TOU updated 12/29/14 by ~ Brandon
4.TOU updated 12/31/14 by ~ Brandon
5.TOU updated 1/1/15 by ~ tester12
6.TOU updated 1/7/15 by ~ Brandon
7.TOU updated 1/20/2015 by ~ Brandon
8.TOU updated 1/31/2015 by ~ Brandon
9. TOU updated 2/19/2015 by ~ Brandon
10. TOU updated 2/28/2015 ~ Brandon
11. TOU updated 3/28/2015 by ~ Brandon
12. TOU updated 5/1/2015 by ~ Brandon
13. TOU updated 5/9/2015 by ~ Brandon
14. TOU updated 6/02/2015 by ~ tester12
15. TOU updated 6/18/2015 by ~ tester12
16. TOU updated 7/16/2015 by ~ Brandon
17. TOU updated 7/18/2015  by ~  Brandon
18. TOU updated 9/13/2015 by ~ Brandon
18. TOU updated and revised  3/26/2016 by ~ Brandon
19. TOU updated and revised  9/15/2016 by ~ Brandon
20. TOU updated  8/17/2017 by ~ Brandon
21. TOU updated/revised 3/15/2018 by ~ Brandon

Staff please update the log every time you make a change! Thanks - Brandon

Last edited by Brandon on Thu 15 Mar 2018, 3:10 pm; edited 30 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated the log!)


Sincerly Broadcasting Duo Founder,

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Terms of use Empty Re: Terms of use

Post by Brandon Sat 31 Jan 2015, 3:04 pm

Attention Broadcasting Duo Users/members and Staff:

A few new rules have been added and take effect immediately. A few older rules have been revised/modified as well.

More revisions, modifications and changes are due to come soon as well. Please be sure to re check and read this TOU and Rules in full frequently.


-Brandon ~ Broadcasting Duo Founder


Sincerly Broadcasting Duo Founder,

Terms of use Brando10
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Terms of use Empty Re: Terms of use

Post by Brandon Sat 26 Mar 2016, 12:18 pm

I have updated and revised the terms of use. I have added a new rule that provides clarity to a couple of the older rules as well as sets out the penalities for the rule. I have also corrected a few typos, spelling and grammar errors and a couple other minor things. These changes, updates and revisions take effect IMMEDIATELLY.

We strongly recommend re reading the terms of use in full to ensure you know and fully understand the updated terms of use.


Sincerly Broadcasting Duo Founder,

Terms of use Brando10
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Terms of use Empty Re: Terms of use

Post by Brandon Thu 15 Mar 2018, 3:14 pm

Hello everyone,

The rules have been revised a little bit. More specifically, the rule about bold and color text has been revised. After a thorough discussion, the staff and administration have decided to allow users to use bold and color text. Please re read the section about bold and color text as there is still some minor limitations on it.

These changes are effective as of today.

-The Broadcasting Duo Team


Sincerly Broadcasting Duo Founder,

Terms of use Brando10
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